

发布者:在华韩国创新中心 发布时间:2021-06-03 16:48:00 点击量:
发布时间:2021-06-03 16:48:00

陈帅,男,1975年11月出生,中国科学技术大学合肥微尺度物质科学国家实验室教授,1997 年7月获吉林大学理学学士学位,2005年1月获北京大学理学博士学位。2005年至2009年任德国海德堡大学博士后,2009年至今任中国科大教授。近年来在Science(1篇)Nature (1篇)、Nature子刊(4篇)、Physical Review Letters (6篇)等国际权威学术期刊上发表20余篇研究论文。成果先后入选2009年度由两院院士评选的中国十大科技进展新闻。在科技部重点专项超冷原子的量子模拟项目中担任课题负责人。从事超冷原子量子模拟以及基于冷原子的精密测量研究,主要是自旋轨道耦合人工规范场及拓扑量子态的合成以及和可搬运原子干涉重力仪的研制。
2021-04-21  外尔物理量子模拟取得重要进展:中国科大在超冷原子体系实现理想外尔半金属态
2018-12-27   中国科大在超冷原子拓扑量子体系研究领域取得新进展
2016-10-19   Two-dimensional Spin-orbit Coupling for Bose-Einstein Condensates Realized
2016-10-11   我国学者在超冷原子量子模拟领域取得重大突破
2015-03-17   量子模拟—人工合成自旋-轨道耦合体系研究取得重要进展
2014-04-08   中国科大在超冷原子量子模拟研究领域取得重要突破
 Xu, X. -T., Wang, Z. -Y., Jiao, R. -H., Yi, C. -R., Sun, W. & Chen, S.   Ultra-low noise magnetic field for quantum gases.   Review of Scientific Instruments   90,   054708   (2019).
 Yi, C. -R., Zhang, L., Zhang, L., Jiao, R. -H., Cheng, X. -C., Wang, Z. -Y., Xu, X. -T., Sun, W., Liu, X. -jun, Chen, S. & Pan, J. -W.   Observing Topological Charges and Dynamical Bulk-Surface Correspondence with Ultracold Atoms.   Physical Review Letters   123,   190603   (2019).
 Yang, Y., Xie, H. -T., Ji, W. -C., Wang, Y. -F., Zhang, W. -Y., Chen, S. & Jiang, X.   Ultra-low noise and high bandwidth bipolar current driver for precise magnetic field control.   Review of Scientific Instruments   90,   (2019).
 Yang, S. -J., Rui, J., Dai, H. -N., Jin, X. -M., Chen, S. & Pan, J. -W.   High-contrast transparency comb of the electromagnetically-induced-transparency memory.   Physical Review A   98,   033802   (2018).
 Long, J. -B., Yang, S. -J., Chen, S. & Pan, J. -W.   Magnetic-enhanced modulation transfer spectroscopy and laser locking for 87 Rb repump transition.   Optics Express   26,   27773   (2018).
 Xu, X. -T., Yi, C. -R., Wang, B. -zong, Sun, W., Deng, Y., Liu, X. -jun, Chen, S. & Pan, J. -W.   Precision mapping the topological bands of 2D spin-orbit coupling with microwave spin-injection spectroscopy.   Science Bulletin   63,   1464-1469   (2018).
 Sun, W., Yi, C. -R., Wang, B. -zong, Zhang, W. -W., Sanders, B., Xu, X. -T., Wang, Z. -Y., Schmiedmayer, J., Deng, Y., Liu, X. -jun, Chen, S. & Pan, J. -W.   Uncover Topology by Quantum Quench Dynamics.   Physical Review Letters   121,   250403   (2018).
 Wang, B. -zong, Lu, Y. -H., Sun, W., Chen, S., Deng, Y. & Liu, X. -jun.   Dirac-, Rashba-, and Weyl-type spin-orbit couplings: Toward experimental realization in ultracold atoms.   Physical Review A   97,   011605   (2018).
 Sun, W., Wang, B. -zong, Xu, X. -T., Yi, C. -R., Zhang, L., Wu, Z., Deng, Y., Liu, X. -jun, Chen, S. & Pan, J. -W.   Highly Controllable and Robust 2D Spin-Orbit Coupling for Quantum Gases.   Physical Review Letters   121,   150401   (2018).
 Wu, Z., Zhang, L., Sun, W., Xu, X. -T., Wang, B. -Z., Ji, S. -C., Deng, Y., Chen, S., Liu, X. -J. & Pan, J. -W.   Realization of two-dimensional spin-orbit coupling for Bose-Einstein condensates.   Science   354,   83-88   (2016).
Ji, S. -C., Zhang, L., Xu, X. -T., Wu, Z., Deng, Y., Chen, S. & Pan, J. -W.   Softening of Roton and Phonon Modes in a Bose-Einstein Condensate with Spin-Orbit Coupling.   Physical Review Letters   114,   105301   (2015).
 Ji, S. -C., Zhang, J. -Y., Zhang, L., Du, Z. -D., Zheng, W., Deng, Y., Zhai, H., Chen, S. & Pan, J. -W.   Experimental determination of the finite-temperature phase diagram of a spin-orbit coupled Bose gas.   Nature Physics   10,   314-320   (2014).
 Zhang, L., Zhang, J. -Y., Ji, S. -C., Du, Z. -D., Zhai, H., Deng, Y., Chen, S., Zhang, P. & Pan, J. -W.   Stability of excited dressed states with spin-orbit coupling.   Physical Review A   87,   011601   (2013).
 Zhang, J. -Y., Ji, S. -C., Chen, Z., Zhang, L., Du, Z. -D., Yan, B., Pan, G. -S., Zhao, B., Deng, Y., Zhai, H., Chen, S. & Pan, J. -W.   Collective Dipole Oscillations of a Spin-Orbit Coupled Bose-Einstein Condensate.   Physical Review Letters   109,   115301   (2012).
 Dai, H. -N., Zhang, H., Yang, S. -J., Zhao, T. -M., Rui, J., Deng, Y., Li, L., Liu, N. -L., Chen, S., Bao, X. -H., Jin, X. -M., Zhao, B. & Pan, J. -W.   Holographic Storage of Biphoton Entanglement.   Physical Review Letters   108,   210501   (2012).
 Zhang, H., Jin, X. -M., Yang, J., Dai, H. -N., Yang, S. -J., Zhao, T. -M., Rui, J., He, Y., Jiang, X., Yang, F., Pan, G. -S., Yuan, Z. -S., Deng, Y., Chen, Z. -B., Bao, X. -H., Chen, S., Zhao, B. & Pan, J. -W.   Preparation and storage of frequency-uncorrelated entangled photons from cavity-enhanced spontaneous parametric downconversion.   Nature Photonics   5,   628   (2011).
 Chen, Y. -A., Bao, X. -H., Yuan, Z. -S., Chen, S., Zhao, B. & Pan, J. -W.   Heralded generation of an atomic NOON state.   Physical Review Letters   104,   043601   (2010).
 Wei, R., Zhao, B., Deng, Y., Chen, S., Chen, Z. -B. & Pan, J. -W.   Light pulse in Lambda-type cold-atom gases.   Physical Review A   81,   043403   (2010).
 Jiang, S., Luo, X. -M., Chen, L. -Q., Ning, B., Chen, S., Wang, J. -Y., Zhong, Z. -P. & Pan, J. -W.   Observation of prolonged coherence time of the collective spin wave of an atomic ensemble in a paraffin-coated 87Rb vapor cell.   Physical Review A   80,   062303   (2009).
 Zhao, B., Chen, Y. -A., Bao, X. -H., Strassel, T., Chuu, C. -S., Jin, X. -M., Schmiedmayer, J., Yuan, Z. -S., Chen, S. & Pan, J. -W.   A millisecond quantum memory for scalable quantum networks.   Nature Physics   5,   95   (2009).
Yang, J., Bao, X. -H., Zhang, H., Chen, S., Peng, C. -Z., Chen, Z. -B. & Pan, J. -W.   Experimental quantum teleportation and multiphoton entanglement via interfering narrowband photon sources.   Physical Review A   80,   042321   (2009).
 Chuu, C. -S., Strassel, T., Zhao, B., Koch, M., Chen, Y. -A., Chen, S., Yuan, Z. -S., Schmiedmayer, J. & Pan, J. -W.   Quantum Memory with Optically Trapped Atoms.   Physical Review Letters   101,   120501   (2008).
 Yuan, Z. -S., Chen, Y. -A., Zhao, B., Chen, S., Schmiedmayer, J. & Pan, J. -W.   Experimental demonstration of a BDCZ quantum repeater node.   Nature   454,   1098   (2008).
 Chen, Y. -A., Chen, S., Yuan, Z. -S., Zhao, B., CHUU, C. H. I. H. -S. U. N. G., Schmiedmayer, J. & Pan, J. -W.   Memory-built-in quantum teleportation with photonic and atomic qubits.   Nature Physics   4,   103   (2008).
 Chen, S., Chen, Y. -A., Zhao, B., Yuan, Z. -S., Schmiedmayer, J. & Pan, J. -W.   Demonstration of a Stable Atom-Photon Entanglement Source for Quantum Repeaters.   Physical Review Letters   99,   180505   (2007).
 Chen, K., Li, C. -M., Zhang, Q., Chen, Y. -A., Goebel, A., Chen, S., Mair, A. & Pan, J. -W.   Experimental realization of one-way quantum computing with two-photon four-qubit cluster states.   Physical Review Letters   99,   120503   (2007).
 Yuan, Z. -S., Chen, Y. -A., Chen, S. & Pan, J. -W.   Scalable Quantum Computing with Linear Optics and Quantum Memories.   Optics and Photonics News   18,   34   (2007).
 Yuan, Z. -S., Chen, Y. -A., Chen, S., Zhao, B., Koch, M., Strassel, T., Zhao, Y., Zhu, G. -J., Schmiedmayer, J. & Pan, J. -W.   Synchronized independent narrow-band single photons and efficient generation of photonic entanglement.   Physical Review Letters   98,   180503   (2007).
 Chen, S., Chen, Y. -A., Strassel, T., Yuan, Z. -S., Zhao, B., Schmiedmayer, J. & Pan, J. -W.   Deterministic and storable single-photon source based on a quantum memory.   Physical Review Letters   97,   173004   (2006).