

发布者:在华韩国创新中心 发布时间:2021-05-12 17:16:00 点击量:
发布时间:2021-05-12 17:16:00

何攀, 男,生于198 5 年,200 8 年本科毕业于 上海 大学物理 系 ,20 14 年在复旦大学物理学系获得理学博士学位 。 20 14 至201 5 年在 法国国家科学研究中心做博士后研究,2015年至2020年在 新加坡国立大学 任高级 研究员 ( Senior Research Fellow )。 20 20 年加入复旦大学 微纳电子器件与量子计算机研究院 ,任 青年 研究员 , 博士生导师 。长期从事 自旋电子学和低维磁学 等研究,曾提出 非线性自旋电子学 概念 。 发现自旋相关非线性电输运新现象 , 实现 三维自旋结构的电输运探测 。 在Nature   Physics, Physical Review Letters , Nature Communications 等学术期刊上共发表论文 近3 0篇,总引用 7 00余次 。 入选国家海外高层次人才计划(青年项目)和上海市海外高层次人才计划 。

Research interest: Spintronics in Quantum Materials 
Research in Professor He's lab focuses on understanding spin (magnetic) properties in novel quantum materials and their applications in spintronic devices. Of particular interest are topological materials, two-dimensional magnetic materials, strongly correlated materials and their heterostructures. These materials host a variety of fascinating spin (magnetic) properties, and offer exciting opportunities to achieve energy-efficient multifunctional devices. Especially, they provide a new platform to design and engineer exotic spin (magnetic) phenomena utilizing symmetry, dimensionality, stacking order and topology. We employ electrical and optical tools to investigate a broad range of fascinating spintronic phenomena, including anomalous Hal effect, spin Hall effect, spin-orbit torque, spin-related magnetoresistance, spin nonlinear effect sand etc. In particular, ultrafast time-resolved techniques and nano-device fabrication are utilized to study spintronic phenomena on a time scale down to femtoseconds and a spatial resolution of nanometers, under the conditions of low temperature and high magnetic field. The fundamentally interesting physics and quantum device applications are highly valued in our research. 